
The Ayyappa Swami devotees in Vishrantvadi during the late sixties and early seventies used to celebrate the annual Makaravilakku in a makeshift temple built in front of Research & Development Establishment every year. During March 1976, the Ayyappa devotees gathered and formally elected a body and formed a Bhajan group to strengthen the spiritual activities on a continuous basis. The first Pooja of the Samithi was conducted on 14th April 1976. Initially the poojas were conducted once a month which gradually became regular. This collective effort of some dedicated Ayyappa Swami devotees ultimately paved the birth of the present Sree Ayyappa Seva Samithi on 30th March 1976 and got registered under the Bombay Public Trust Act on 25th May 1978. The Temple is known as Bhairavnagar Ayyappa Temple, situated about 10 K.M. from Pune Railway Station.
As part of the collective effort to build a temple, the devotees in and around Vishrantvadi collected enough money to buy a plot of land (636 sq mtr – where the present main temple stands today) during October 1978. Later on the Bhoomi-pooja and foundation stone laying ceremony of the temple was done at the hands of His Holiness SWAMI CHINMAYANANDA on 13th December 1978, photographs showing the event are given below. The erstwhile main temple with tiled roof was completed in 1980 and a photo of Lord Ayyappa was installed for worship. The Temple was constructed under the guidance of Shri Kanipayur Krishnan Namboodiri, renowned Temple Architect.
After a considerable lapse of time, the members of the Samithi in particular and Ayyappa Swami devotees as a whole collectively decided to improve and develop the facilities for devotees by renovating the erstwhile main temple and constructed Upadeva temples for Lords Ganapati, Sri Krishna, Murugan, Lordess Devi and a Nagathara. On an auspicious day – on 14th January 1993 - the pratishta of the main deity Sree Ayyappa Swami along with other Upadevas were consecrated under the tantrik guidance of Thantri Brahmashree Panavoor Manackal Narayanan Namboodiri in the presence of members of the Samithi and a large number of devotees. Subsequently a hall to accommodate the Temple Office, the existing Annadanam cooking room, Store room and a separate single bedroom for the temple poojari with adjacent toilet facilities were constructed with generous donations from members and devotees.
Growth of the samithi & the Temple
During the subsequent years slowly but steadily growth of the Samithi earned fame and substance in the mind of members and devotees not only from Bhairavnagar-Vishrantvadi and nearby areas but also far and away as well. Today the temple complex is situated in an area of about 2030 sq meters. This humble spiritual monument owes its existence and growth to the present stage is due to the tireless efforts and foresightedness of Managing Committees from time to time, wholehearted support of members, devotees and well wishers.
It is said that a temple is not only a place of worship where the spiritual needs are satisfied, but also a workshop where the social fabric of the society is strengthened by way of co-existence through social interaction and charity which are the essential components of well being of people as a whole. With the sincere and wholehearted support of members of the Samithi in particular and devotees in general, the Managing Committees were able to generate a small but definite feeling of religious devotion towards our temple during the last few years. This has helped the Samithi members and the devotees yarn for more progress and growth of the temple.
It is a universal truth that whenever the socio-economic status of the society improves everything it represents also improves; religion and religious institutions are a part of it. Keeping the socio-economic improvements in the society, the Managing Committee brought up a proposal in the General Body held on 25th June 2006 to ascertain whether it was appropriate to undertake a renovation / development of the Temple as per the earlier developmental plans. The General Body after considering the pros and cons authorized the Committee to hold an Ashtamangalya Prasnam.
Accordingly an ‘Ashtamangalya Devaprasnam’ was conducted at the temple by two well known astrologers from Kerala from 18th to 20th September 2006 in a largely attended event. With the mandate and wholehearted support from members and devotees, the Managing Committee decided to undertake a major developmental programme of the temple, guided and advised by the Temple Tantri & Architect and as per the Ashtamangalya Devaprasnam Charth, proposed a major renovation and development of the temple, to be completed in two phases. The Committee tentatively worked out a budget and the first phase which includes construction of part of the Nalambalam, shifting of Lord Krishana, and Nagangal from the existing locations to that of North-East and North (upper side), a new temple for Lord Shiva with Nandiswaran and Navagrahangal along the North – South on the Eastern side of the plot in addition to the construction of a new Thidappaly, elaborate poojas by temple Tantri to enhance “deva chaithanyam” of the deities as also the sanctity of the sanctum sanctorum of the temple on the basis of details pronounced by the astrologers. It was a unique occasion in the history of the temple that Members of the Samithi as a whole unanimously authorized the Managing Committee to go ahead with the proposed renovation / development of the temple at such a never before budget in an Extra Ordinary General Meeting on 27th May 2008.
The enthusiasm shown by the Members of the Samithi and devotees as a whole gave confidence and the will to the Managing Committee who came up with a proposal to raise requisite funds from the members, devotees in general and well wishers in and around Pune. Taking a cue from the mood of the members and with the blessings of the presiding deity Sree Ayyappa Swami, the Managing Committee has decided to undertake the mammoth task of the scheduled Phase One of the renovation / relocation and addition-alteration of the temple. In order to streamline and affect the renovation work systematically on a pre-determined timeframe, a Coordination Committee was nominated, members being from the MC and partly from the Samithi in general. With collective and dedicated effort, the Committee was able to collect the requisite sum in cash and many offers in kind.
We as a team, are more than satisfied to report that our temple has really grown to be a Mahakeshtram with a Nalambalam, Chuttambalam, Balikkalpura, Namaskaramandapam, Mulayara, separate temples for Lord Krisna, Lord Shiv with Nandiswaran, Navagrahangal, Nagathara, Kodimaram, Gopuram, tiled Thirumuttom of about 4000 sq feet and a Kirthan Hall.
With the blessings of Lord Ayyappa Swamy the Managing Committee along with the Coordination Committee members were able to complete this blessed assignment within the anticipated time frame. It would not have been possible, had it not been for the sincere, dedicated and tangible and intangible efforts by a number of members and devotees for which we take this opportunity to thank them from our core of heart personally as also on behalf of the Samithi.
As a finale to this memorable occasion, a team of 16 Poojaris led by the Temple Tantri and his complement of reaching the temple on 2nd June 2008 and conducted various poojas and tantric rituals to enhance the “deva-chaitanyam” of the presiding deity as also the sanctity of the sanctum sanctorum of the temples which concluded on the 12th June 2008 along with the puna-pratishta of Lord Ayyappa and consecration of the Kodimaram. The Bhairavnagar Ayyappa Temple is known for offering of highest number of Annadanam to devotees of all cast creed and religion. Throughout the year on all Saturdays evening and on Sundays Annadanam is conducted in the Temple since last few years with the co-operation and contribution of Devotees.

This Temple is also known for the highest number of pilgrims going in a single group to Sabarimala every year. There are many such groups going to Sabarimala from this Temple.

In closing, on behalf of the entire members of the Samithi, devotees in general and well wishers in and around Pune who generously contributed to this noble cause, we the Managing Committee members take this opportunity to pray to Lord Sree Ayyappa Swami to shower His blessings on all of us and give us the strength to work and serve the Lord and the mankind for years to come. We also take this opportunity to thank all those Ayyappa devotees who have helped the Samithi and the Managing Committees, past and present, to achieve its aims and to improve the assets of the Samithi in general and the temple in particular. We also thank all those Ayyappa Bhaktas, who come to pay their obeisance to the Lord day after day, week after week and month after month and helped create and maintain the religious fervor in the temple and in the minds of all Ayyappa Bhaktas.